Monday, January 4, 2016

Net Worth update - 1st quarter 2016

Approximate value of our house: $240,936 (+$12,987 since last net worth update) (Estimation from Zillow)
Roth IRA: $40,625 (-$2,886 since last net worth update)
Simple IRA: $7,683 (-$304 since last net worth update)
Regular IRA: $6,676 (+$31 since last net worth update)
401(k): $12,094 ($8,144 since last net worth update)
Savings (including emergency fund): $36,096 (-$9,192 since last net worth update)

Total assets: $344,110 (+$8,568 since last net worth update)

Mortgage: $152,581 (-$9,355 since last quarter)

Total net worth including our house: $191,529
Difference since last quarter: +$17,923

Calculation of my net worth not including the house:

Roth IRA: $40,625
Simple IRA: $7,683
Regular IRA: $6,676
401(k): $12,094
Savings (including emergency fund): $36,096

Total assets: $103,174

Mortgage: $152,581

Total net worth not including the house: -$49,407
Difference of +$4,936 since last net worth update

Looks like I forgot to do an update in the beginning of the 4th quarter, but not much has changed. The two biggest changes are due to buying a new truck last fall (we paid cash rather than taking out a loan - thus the smaller savings amount) and my 401(k) jumped up a lot due to saving 20% of my paycheck starting sometime back this summer. No major changes in the total net worth, but at least it's going in the right direction.