Here is a check up of my net worth for the 4th quarter of 2011. I decided to just check in once every quarter on this for now on, so the next time I'll update this will be mid-January. The numbers look better than last month. The house value has rebounded a bit using Zillow, but eppraisal is still saying our house is only worth $165,161. So the net worth could be $18,139 less. I am reading a book by Robert Koisaki and he says a house is not actually an asset. So I don't know if I should even include it since it is the biggest question mark. So anyway, here's a look at the numbers:
Approximate value of house*: $183,300 (up $2,400)
Roth IRA: $20,927 (Up $14)
Simple IRA: $4,098 (Down $661 since June 30 statement)
Savings: $6,887 (up $1,371)
Mortgage: $182,972 (Down $255)
Total net worth: $32,240
Difference from last month: $3,380
*Value from so probably not 100% accurate.