Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Net Worth Update - September 2011

It's about mid-month again, so it's time to check in on my net worth numbers. Once again, the house value dropped! When is this going to stop? The gap between how much we owe on our house and how much it's worth is getting wider each month. I'd really like to refinance before the interest rates go back up because our mortgage is currently at a 5.75% interest rate. But, you can't refinance if you owe more on the house than it is worth in today's marketplace. It's making me start to think if I should try to pay down the mortgage a bit?

Anyway, here are this month's numbers:

Approximate value of house*: $180,900 (Down 1,100)
Roth IRA: $20,913 (Up $1,618, but invested $2,000 since last month, so it lost money)
Simple IRA: $4,759 (June 30 statement)
Savings: $5,516 (not including money set aside for property taxes)

Mortgage: $183,228

Total net worth: $28,860
Difference from last month: $210

*Value from so probably not 100% accurate.
At least the overall net worth has gone up a tiny bit since last month.  I'd love to see an even bigger improvement next month and have the house value recover some value by next month.

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